Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Chosen: The Harvard Art Show!! :D

I am super psyched to know Harvard has an Art Show~!! This is their second year.
This year they received over 665 artwork submissions and the Art Selection and Review committee have selected 120 individual pieces from 76 Harvard artists.

And 4 of my artworks were chosen :D I am SO HAPPY and honored to be a part of this superb art show! YAY!!

Date: April 30th, oh yes Happy Friday!
Time: 12 noon to 8:30 pm
Place: New College Theatre, 10-12 Holyoke St, Cambridge
Website: www.hcs.harvard.edu/artshow

Throughout the show, they will have refreshments, performances and a Silent Auction while you enjoy photography, painting, drawing, collage, sculpture, digital art, wood block print, pottery and jewelry and more! Prices range mostly from $30 to $2,000.

Huge Thanks and Warm Hugs go to Sweet ladies, Co-Directors: Alissa Schapiro and Julia Guren, and Lovely Artist Liaisons: Sarah Natow and Snoweria Zhang! ;D And this wasn't possible without the sponsorship and support of the Office for the Arts at Harvard!

Please join me at this fun annual event on April 30th!! You will encounter all the fun & creative people and art lovers! :D

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Strand Tote Bag Design Contest :D

The Strand Book Store NYC partnered with the School of Visual ArtsTOON BooksDrawn & Quarterly and Fantagraphics Books to offer a Tote Bag Design Contest :D

I love Strand, it is a heaven of inspiration! I was so excited when I received the contest news from the School of Visual Arts! I submitted the design below, a New York skyline made from the top edges of books (many page lines) and decorated with New York City building facades. Hope they like it!!
I have submitted two versions :D